A Copper or Stainless Steel Distiller? Which One to Go With?

What’s up fellow alcoholic readers and enthusiasts, today in this post we tackle facts of the two major forms of moonshine stills – the Stainless Steel and the Copper. 

If you are new to distilling, choosing the right equipment to get started can be quite overwhelming. Many beginners are yet to find that there are different types of stills that are better equipped for making different types of products. 

One common question among moonshine distiller is which moonshine still is better and what are the differences between them. Both copper and stainless steel are the most commonly used materials in distilling spirits although the former is sworn to be the best choice by most hobby and commercial distillers. Some prefer copper stills and others swear by stainless steel. 

Moonshine Still Boiler

Did you know?

It’s since the moonshining tradition which first got started in the Appalachian hills; Copper has been in use to construct stills and is still thriving in the contemporary era for producing alcohol. 

So Stainless or Copper?

This is the question answered here. If you deeply feel that there is one clear winner, think again. Each type of still material comes with its own set of trade-offs. 

The bottom line is that stainless is better for some things and copper is better for others. We will break down all of the differences below.

Before you invest in a still, get to know their difference first, so, beginning with the most basic and obvious differences. 

Copper Stills

13 Gallon Moonshine Still with Copper Reflux Column

Copper is the most conventional metal used in moonshine stills. The reason for it is so popular is they are the best conductor of heat and so you can precisely control the temperature while you distill. It’s no wonder French cooks also prefer to cook with copper pans and pots. 

Even and radiant is necessary in the fermentation process as you will need to keep your mash at a certain temperature in order to generate the alcohol steam. And if you end up struggling with temperature fluctuations, chances are that you can burn your mash and spend a long time heating it up. 

Being specific to spirit distilling, using a copper still removes sulfur compounds in the alcohol and increases the quality and taste of the moonshine. 

Stainless Steel Stills

Stainless steel is a bit cost-effective than copper, so it’s a great option for the beginners who do not want to break their bank on the equipment. The other best features of this distiller are they are very durable and easy to clean. If you are in search of a low-maintenance still that can withstand tarnishing, stainless steel is a good choice.

13 Gallon Moonshine Still With Stainless Glass Reflux Column

A Stainless Steel or A Copper Distiller? 

Sometimes the best solution to land on is a compromise. Depending on what features you want and what you are using the still for, a stainless steel boiler with a copper column might be the best solution for you. However, it all depends on your experience, your priorities, and your budget. While many distillers find copper to produce the best moonshine, you can also make a great product with durable and tough stainless steel. 

So that’s all we have for you. We hope this post can help you make an informed decision when buying your new moonshine still. 
